
  若手俳優の男女9人が 恋愛ドラマを撮影しながら本当の恋をする、"ちょっぴり大人の恋愛"リアリティーショー。 撮影期間は3ヶ月。 各話の主役を演じられるのは、選ばれた男女一組だけ。 そして、台本には毎話キスシーンが―。 役を勝ち取るべく稽古を重ねるうちに、 嫉妬・焦り・そ して本当の恋心が芽生える...? そのキス本気?それとも演技? 撮影現場と、その外で繰り広げられる、恋と夢と青春の記録。

简介:  2022年,随着北京冬奥会来临,“奥林匹克奏鸣曲”即将再次响彻中国。这不仅是冰雪运动健将们的一次狂欢,更是全民冰雪运动的开始。为助力北京冬奥会,带动三亿人参与冰雪运动的号召,鼓励更多人热爱冰雪运动,这档全国首档少儿燃动冰雪成长类节目《大冰小将》应运而生。届时14位来自全 国各地的冰球小将热血集结,“金牌经理人”易烊千玺和“全能领队”雷佳音将通过60天的朝夕相处,帮助小将们向着最强冰球队少年梦之队的目标进发,用体育竞技创造碰撞出梦想光彩。
  出品方:浙江卫视 北文传媒
  联合出品:国家体育总局冬运中心 中国冰雪 群谊文化 悦虎传媒 新界面 亚歌文化
主演:卡莉·克劳斯,克里斯蒂安·西利亚诺,尼娜·加西亚,Elaine Welteroth,Brandon Maxwell

  Bravo’s Emmy-winning competition series Project Runway returns for another season of high stakes and fierce fashions on Thursday, December 5 at 9:30/8:30c. Sixteen new hopefuls are ready to take the runway by storm and make fashion history. Host Karlie Kloss is back, along with Christian Siriano as the mentor and returning judges Nina Garcia, Brandon Maxwell, and Elaine Welteroth, to decide who has what it takes to make it in this industry. Each 90-minute episode will feature the return of some fan-favorite elements, including the “Siriano Save,” in which Christian has the opportunity to bring one eliminated designer back into the competition, and the pièce de résistance, a chance to present a final collection at New York Fashion Week. Gotham remains a main character for this fashion adventure for challenge reveals and runway shows with iconic locations such as the famous TWA Hotel at JFK, The Vessel at Hudson Yards, and Bergdorf Goodman. In addition, the groundbreaking series continues to shine a light on the evolution of fashion and inclusion by featuring a variety of sexual preferences, racial backgrounds and ages including a nonbinary model and a trans model, a “Dreamer,” and the oldest designer ever to compete on Project Runway. Challenging fashion norms, the designers are tasked with creating functional outfits for Olympians and Paralympians, as well as turning donated garments from Goodwill of NY into high fashion wear.
  In the premiere of Project Runway, the competition begins with some twists right out of the airport gate. With luggage still in tow, the designers are greeted at the iconic TWA Hotel at JFK airport ready to take flight with their first challenge: to create an innovative look inspired by humanity’s continued push into space exploration. In a Runway first, these unfamiliar designers have to pair up and collaborate to make cohesive pieces that blow away the judges or they are out. Fans will also get a chance to own a piece of the designer creations when they vote on the outfits they like best. Both the judges’ winning look and a fan-favorite look will be manufactured in the USA by Nineteenth Amendment, a production platform producing sustainable clothing on-demand, and sold on Bravotv.com/ProjectRunway.
  The guest judges this season who will help determine whether our designers are in or out are singer and actress Cyndi Lauper, actress and equal-rights advocate Laverne Cox, comedian and actress Leslie Jones, Olympic gold-medal downhill skier Lindsey Vonn, actress Rachel Brosnahan, fashion designer Thom Browne, legendary artists Ashley Longshore, Emmy-nominated fashion stylist Marni Senofonte, and more.
  Maybelline and TRESemmé return as the exclusive makeup and hair care partners to bring to life the glamorous looks that will define the runway. Brother will once again outfit the state-of-the-art workroom with its innovative sewing and embroidery machines for contestants to create their showstopping pieces. With the return of the inventive Pilot FriXion Erasable Gel Ink Pens, aspiring designers have the creative freedom to bring their sketches to life. To celebrate Universal Pictures' new film Cats (in theaters Dec. 20), designers will compete to create a chic street look that puts a new spin on the timeless trend of animal prints.
  Viewers who can't get enough of Project Runway can tune into the Project Runway After Show and Viewer Verdict, two digital series available on BravoTV.com and brought to you by TRESemmé and Maybelline, respectively.
  The winning designer will take home a $250,000 grand prize courtesy of Bluprint, the digital destination for makers and the official DIY partner of Project Runway, a feature in ELLE magazine, the chance to be featured in a Bluprint digital series, $50,000 compliments of returning sponsor Pilot, and a career-changing mentorship with the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America).
  Last season, Bluprint awarded the winning designer Sebastian Grey his own original digital series along with $50,000 to put toward a design studio. The series Fashion Sewing with Sebastian Grey will offer lessons on making a bespoke skirt and will stream on the Bluprint digital platform and app in conjunction with the Project Runway season premiere.

主演:卡莉·克劳斯,克里斯蒂安·西利亚诺,尼娜·加西亚,Elaine Welteroth,Brandon Maxwell