上映时间:03月21日 17:42
简介:米夏尔(迈克尔·福思 Michael Fuith 饰)是个极其孤僻的独居男人,他上班时不喜欢和同事交流,在家时拒绝邻居往来,和自己的母亲、弟弟关系也疏远,原因在于,他不想让人发现他家中的秘密——地下室里囚禁着小男孩沃尔夫冈(David Rauchenberger 饰)。这个十岁男孩是他拐带回家的,他满足他的生活需要,给他一定的看电视娱乐时间,还允许他每天写信给自己的亲生父母,米夏尔永远骗他说信寄出去了,只是你父母不搭理你。表面上米夏尔好像是好像是沃尔夫冈的严父,但真相渐渐浮现:他还需要小男孩满足他的性需求。生活一日如一日平静,米夏尔似乎胃口变大,计划再俘获一个小孩却失败了,沃尔夫冈感到孤独,也发现信从未寄出的事实,失望之下,他制定了逃脱计划,却让自己陷入更大的绝境
主演:Julia Krivickas

A story of faith and disbelief. Of uprootedness and affiliation. What makes a boy from art school decide to leave home and live as a girl on the streets of Berlin selling her body for money? For more than ten years, photographer and filmmaker J. Jackie Baier followed transsexual Julia K. from her birthplace, Klaipeda in Lithuania, to her tough life on the streets as a hooker, outlaw and nonconformist who never signed any social contract.   "Julia is missing again. Yesterday I visited her in the porn cinema, in where she has crashed for the last six months. We sat in the common room of the hookers, which doubled as Julia´s bedroom; a smoky, dingy basement without any daylight, roughly the size of a prison cell, with a couch, a counter, a coffee machine and a TV, out of which some cheap television series blared at full volume. This room was what her life was limited to. She only left it when Mamsell called her for a client. I´d seen her for the very first time while she still worked at a bar in Wilmersdorf. For some time we both worked there, tempting clients with booze, offers of sex, whatever would bring in money. I soon left the business, though. The madam was simply not convinced that I was a good hooker and actually she was right - even though I learned a lot by watching Julia. Julia was soon to be out as well. She didn´t really get along in that joint. The madam had some kind of style, while Julia just had her style. It just couldn´t work. Afterwards they said that Julia was always drunk, but that can´t have been the reason, since if she had always been drunk, it probably would have worked out with the boss, who was chronically drunk herself, after all. About a year later I met Julia again. I was riding on a bus to Schöneberg, and she was at the corner of Froben-and Bülow - hustling at the strip. We drank a couple of beers at Bianca´s kiosk and she asked at some point if I wouldn´t mind taking some pictures of her again. I didn´t have my proper camera on me, just my mobile. I took some shots and once I left, promised to return. When I went back two nights later, this time with my camera, Julia had vanished. At the kiosk they said that she was dead, probably frozen to death somewhere. But then she reappeared." [J. Jackie Baier, 2006]   J. Jackie Baier (b. 1955 in Kiel, Germany) received an MA in Literature at the University of Essen in 1982. She worked as assistant director on films by, among others, Peter von Zahn, Michael Lentz, and Adolf Winkelmann, and made several documentaries. In 1983 she made her feature directorial debut with Die Mission - Film vom Frieden und seinem Krieg (which premiered at the Berlinale (Forum). From 1985 to 1988 she wrote and directed two television movies for ZDF, Die Splitter der Eisbombe and Frühstück für Feinde. She has directed TV series since 1995. She had a sex change in 1997; Johanna Jackie Baier was officially a woman. She started to experiment extensively with photography and has exhibited her work at national and international art fairs. In 2006, she presented a selection of photographs and a short film as part of the group show SEX WORK (Neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, Berlin). In 2011 Baier´s feature-length documentary House of Shame premiered at the 61st Berlin International Film Festival.   2013 Julia (doc)   2011 House of Shame: Chantal All Night Long (doc)   1988 Frühstück Für Feinde   1984/85 Die Splitter Der Eisbombe   1983 Die Mission - Film vom Frieden und seinem Krieg

主演:Julia Krivickas