上映时间:03月16日 22:00
主演:Denise Andrieu,Bernard Arene,Lou Babin,Eric Bernier,鲍比·毕什罗,Sylvain Bertrand
简介:  保罗和他的女朋友露西,以及他们的女儿萝丝住在一间不大不小的公寓中,过着平静而愉悦的生活。女儿萝丝即将到达上学的年龄,两人也在为孩子能够上一所好学校而寻找新的住宅。露西有两个姐妹也都分别结婚生子,为了庆祝他们的父母——罗兰和莉泽特的结婚周年纪念日,三姐妹带着孩子和丈夫赶到了父母家,一家人其乐融融。第二天罗兰给每位孙子送了一辆自行车,一家人一起在附近的河边散步游玩,罗兰看见保罗在家找到了他小时候的照片,便将小时候父亲酗酒,母亲负气出走的故事告诉了保罗,并坦白了自己其实并不是前列腺癌,而是胰腺癌,并让保罗为他保密。庆祝进行到第三天,按照惯例,保罗在女儿们离去时为三个女儿都准备了装有钱的信封,然而当露西打开看时却发现每次给的500美元变成了1500美元,这让他有些不安,保罗说服她可能只是帮助他们买房的心意。然而就在保罗一家举办完桥迁居后,罗兰的病情发作不得不入院,家人们也终于得知罗兰由于胰腺癌。进行临床治疗的保罗并不太配合医院中的各项活动,对于即将来临的死亡依然不愿接受,在家人的悉心照顾和说服之下,保罗逐渐能够平静地面对死亡的来临,而他的生命也渐渐走向终点。
主演:Denise Andrieu,Bernard Arene,Lou Babin,Eric Bernier,鲍比·毕什罗,Sylvain Bertrand
简介:  An expert at sleight of hand and with a keen eye for identifying charlatans and tricksters, our story begins as Harry has fallen on hard times in recent years, professionally and ethically losing his way. He’s resorted to making his living as a fake medium and fraudulent ghost hunter, conducting séances for unsuspecting families who think their lives have been made a misery by ghostly mischief making.
  Harry’s duplicitous lifestyle has also had serious consequences when after leading a séance for a tragic soldier a young man commits suicide on the doorstep of Harry’s home.
  A couple of months later, Harry is offered the chance to investigate the haunting of a local MP’s home as the case threatens to ruin the politician’s reputation. With the prospects of leading his political party, Edward Curtis can ill-afford the scandal as his wife Grace begins to hallucinate and act bizarrely and very much out of character as she believes their family home to be haunted. There’s a possibility Grace may be committed to an asylum in scandalous circumstances if Harry doesn’t take on the investigation. Ghosts from Harry’s past influence his decision to take the case and he begins to think it might be time to take a new path.
  Together with the Curtis family maid, Sarah Grey, whose own mother has fallen prey to con artist mediums in the past, their detection and investigative skills complement one another and they make a formidable partnership. Smart, driven and open-minded, Sarah is a strong-minded woman who can handle herself when unravelling the mysteries behind the hauntings, which are seriously affecting Grace’s health and well-being.
  Harry also calls on the services of his old friend, Albert, during the investigation. An African pharmacist with a sideline in voodoo con-artistry, Albert has a keen interest in medical and scientific discoveries, which Harry exploits to the maximum.
  Journalist Vernon Wall also finds himself in Harry’s orbit. Cynical and hard-bitten, although clever at winning the trust of the people he’s interviewing, Vernon is keen to learn about Harry’s techniques and sensing a political scandal sets out to inveigle his way into his life by extracting information from Sarah.