《女孩的世界》是一部青年浪漫电影,导演Ahn Jung Min于去年凭借The Dream of One Summer Night剧本获得了第5届KT International Smartphone Award剧本奖。这次的电影讲述了三名女高中生在准备戏剧《罗密欧与茱丽叶》的过程中命运一般的相聚与吸引。
演员金荷娜确定出演郑雨盛担当制作人并亲自主演的电影《不要忘记我》! 时隔三年回归大银幕,将出演新片《不要忘记我》。电影是讲述因事故失去记忆的男人陷入新的爱情后,一点一点记起过去十年的记忆而经历的两个男女的故事! 该影片是由2011年“Mise-en-scene短篇电影节”中介绍的短篇电影改编,是一部讲述一个失去记忆的男人的不安与孤独的黑色题材电影。 郑宇成饰演丧失记忆并陷入爱情的律师一角。金荷娜与他一见钟情,,但因过去的经历的混乱,.经历种种。。
影片讲述了小时候扔下自己走的母亲快要临终了 医院给女儿打电话,女儿原本不想去看母亲但最终还是去了 然后明白了母亲有多爱她讲述了母亲和子女之间的故事。
Dong-goo, a lowlife thug, has always been living a hopeless miserable life. One day, he accidentally obtains a bankbook with such a large amount of money as much as one billion won. He travels down to Busan in order to try to obtain the PIN number for the bank account. As Dong-goo meets the eight year old boy, Bok-gi (Jo Won-bin), who believes Dong-goo is his dad, and the boy’s mother, Ae-sook (Hong Ah-reum) in Busan, their story begins.
The story of a whimsical and beautiful experience that 38-year-old Woojoo goes through after moving back to her hometown to after moxia.cc the death of her mother. Having given up on her dreams of being an artist after an unexpected pregnancy Woojoo finds her past rushing back to her. She is taken aback when she happens upon two women -- 19- and 26-years-old, both named Sung Woo-Joo and going through life events identical to her experiences. Now she is faced with a chance to reflect and possibly affect her own life regrets with Christmas just around the corner.